  • Public
  • Public/Protected
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  • IProps



Optional SendIconComponent

SendIconComponent: SendIconComponent

The component that should override the send button

Optional actions

actions: ReadonlyArray<IActionImmutableAny>

The specialized actions that the input can perform

Optional animate

animate: undefined | false | true

Determines if we should apply animations

Optional autoFocus

autoFocus: undefined | false | true

Focuses the input on mounting when true

Optional disabled

disabled: undefined | false | true

Determines if the component is disabled and the user can perform no input

Optional fadeDelay

fadeDelay: undefined | number

How long to delay the fade animations

Optional fadeDuration

fadeDuration: undefined | number

How long the fade animations should take

Optional fadeEasing

fadeEasing: EasingFunction

The easing to use for the fade

Optional hint

hint: ResponsesInit

Hints which type of input should be created. If only one action can provide the type then it will automatically be rendered.

Optional placeholder

placeholder: undefined | string

The placeholder that is shown in the input when no text has been provided yet

Optional style

style: StyleProp<TextStyle>

Styling overrides for the component

Optional theme

theme: ITheme

Theming support for the input



  • onInput(input: IInputMutable): Promise<void>
  • Invoked when the user has provided some input


    • input: IInputMutable

    Returns Promise<void>