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TypeScript interfaces and classes that provide a simple document object model. The document model attempts to be in the goldilocks range; generic enough that interesting static content can be built but specific enough that common concepts can be transmitted efficiently. It is usually used for sending a small static document to a client application.

The library implements various DOM nodes:

  • {@link IAudio} - Allows audio to be played
  • {@link ICarousel} - Horizontal carousel of nested nodes
  • {@link ICode} - Monospaced text display
  • {@link IContainer} - Horizontal/vertical spacing component
  • {@link IHeading} - Headings of various levels
  • {@link IImage} - Image from URL
  • {@link ILink} - Interactive clickable URL
  • {@link IList} - Ordrered/Unordered list
  • {@link IModal} - Pops up a modal node when tapped
  • {@link IPadding} - Adds padding to a node, as all node by default are full bleed
  • {@link IQuote} - Represents a quotation
  • {@link IScrollable} - Vertically scrollable content
  • {@link ISeparator} - Horizontal/vertical separator line